In less than 40 days, Election Day will be here and millions of our country’s citizens will make their way to the polls to vote to vote for their candidate of choice. It is my prayer that all people would spend time in prayer before voting. Prayer is an important part of daily life, but especially during election times. Some will put their politics before their prayers. Let us be sure to continue in our prayers.
Last week, we began developing a website call Pray for the Election. ( This website was developed, not as a political website, but as a website for prayer. There is no sponsoring of a candidate, political party or political agenda. It is a website dedicated to encouraging others to spend time in prayer on behalf of the upcoming elections. The Bible speaks of praying for the leaders of the nation in which we live, and we want to encourage others to pray for the upcoming elections.
Our nation is in turmoil on many fronts and we need to spend time in prayer. This is not a time to divide, but a time to unite in prayer and request that God provide us wisdom and peace. We know that God is in control and we need His blessing of strength in our lives. Let us pray.
The purpose of Pray for the Election. ( is to encourage people everywhere to lift up Holy hands and pray for the next five weeks as we draw closer to Election Day. You can join us at the Pray for the Election. ( website.
You can also join the Pray for the Election Facebook Page by clicking here.
Thank you for being a part of praying for our nation.
Just a thought,

It is difficult to believe that we are now finding ourselves in another election cycle. While I am not an expert on elections, this election seems to follow the increased chaos attributed to the year 2020.
As the elections draw near, it is important that Christians pray. To be honest, I am not concerned if you are voting or not. I am more concerned if you are praying.
Put your political beliefs aside for a moment and ask yourself, “Am I praying more or talking about politics more?”
It is a hard, but a valid question we need to consider as the time is drawing near for millions of citizens to head to the voting booths and choose our next elected officials.
Are you praying for the election process?
I would encourage you to head over to the newest effort of the Preacher’s Pen called, “Pray for the Election.” This is not a political website, but a prayerful one. It is not our aim to tell you which political candidate to choose, but to encourage you to pray for all candidates, our nation and its citizens.
Head on over to the Pray for the Election website.
You can also join our Facebook page, follow the Twitter account or follow on Instagram.
Put pray before politics.
Just a thought,

In 2018, James Clear’s book called, “Atomic Habits” was released and became best seller. The book was listed as one of Fast Company’s best-selling business books of 2018.
On page 38, James Clear makes the statement, “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” To expound on the point, Dr. Raymond McHenry says, “You may not want to be financially strapped, but overspending demonstrates you’re actually voting for escalating debt. That second helping of dessert probably doesn’t seem significant, but it’s really a vote for weight gain.”
In the same light, when we read or study from God’s word, we are working toward a greater relationship with the Almighty. When we fellowship with the saints, we are working to build a greater relationship with brothers and sisters in Christ. Your attendance at services shows that you are desiring a greater relationship with God and your spiritual family.
If James Clear’s words are true, “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become”, then what type of person receives your vote?
- Do your actions show that you are voting to become a greater person? (Consider Philippians 4.8)
- Do your actions show that you are voting for a greater relationship with your spiritual family? (Consider Hebrews 10.24-25)
- Do your actions show that you are voting for a changed life and a better hope? (Consider 1 Peter 2.9-10)
If your actions were votes, what or who are you voting for this year?
Just some thoughts,