Wednesdays in the Word – Burden of Guilt

Wednesdays in the Word – Burden of Guilt

This episode of “Wednesdays in the Word” discusses the guilt one feels over past regrets and problems. As Christians, we should depend on the blood of Jesus to cover our sins.

Many people deal with the burden of guilt every day. 

  • Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Case Western University in Cleveland studies guilt in 1991. He found that the average person spends approximately two hours a day feeling guilty. And for 39 minutes of that time, people feel moderate to severe guilt that may greatly limit their abilities.
  • Two types of guilt have been identified:
    • Objective guilt – this occurs when a law has been broken and the lawbreaker is guilty even though he or she may not feel guilty.
    • Subjective guilt – this refers the inner feelings of remorse and self-condemnation that come because of our actions.

(Christian Counseling, Gary Collins, page 135)

Let’s examine Romans 8.1 considering the discussion of guilt.

Download a PDF copy of the outline here

Thank you for checking out “Wednesday’s in the Word.”

Be sure to download a copy of the lesson for your personal study or a Bible class.

You can join us next week at 10:15 am (CST) for another edition of Wednesdays in the Word. Be sure to check out our other classes and videos on our website.

Thanks you again.

Just some thoughts,

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Wednesdays in the Word – Mark 9.24 – January 27th, 2021

Wednesdays in the Word – Mark 9.24 – January 27th, 2021

This episode of “Wednesdays in the Word” discusses background and meaning of Mark 9.24, “Lord’ I believe, help my unbelief!”

The background of the verse, along with the wording, is something for each of us to consider today as we look to our faithfulness in daily life.

“Wednesdays in the Word” is a short video lesson on a passage of text to help us create better days today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. 

You may Download the PowerPoint File Here

Download a PDF copy of the PowerPoint here

Thank you for checking out “Wednesday’s in the Word.”

Be sure to download a copy of the lesson for your personal study or a Bible class.

You can join us next week at 10:15 am (CST) for another edition of Wednesdays in the Word. Be sure to check out our other classes and videos on our website.

Thanks you again.

Just some thoughts,

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A Few Wednesday Thoughts

A Few Wednesday Thoughts

The video below is part of the message I delivered to the congregation on Wednesday Night. The message contains updates about the happenings of our congregation, but it also includes five points to consider on not giving up.

Since March 2020, many congregations have been dealing with the effects of the Coronavirus or COVID-19. It has been challenging for eldership to make the proper decisions relating to meeting or not meeting. Some congregations continued to meet, others went to an online or virtual service, and some went to parking lot services using an FM transmitter.

Each congregation chose the means necessary for the physical safety of their membership. The decisions were challenging. I know of elderships who stressed over the decisions and still do this day. The decisions were met with prayer for the proper decision and the effects it might have on the congregation.

While the elders were making tough decisions, the members were trying to decide how to keep in touch with one another while still maintaining the social distancing guidelines. Each state had their own social distancing guidelines and the federal government was busy adding suggestions. The guidelines meant smaller groups for some congregations and closed doors for others.

As our congregation has used virtual meetings and we also met back when able, However, because of an increase in local cases, along with members coming into contact with those effected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19, our elders have canceled our in-person meetings and go to an online, all-virtual format.

In these uncertain times, allow me a moment to share with you a few reminders:

    • The early church struggled through various physical persecutions and made it. We can make it through this too.
    • The church, throughout generations, has been met with great difficulties, yet it continues to grow and meet.
    • The church building is a building and it will be there when we get back to normal meeting times.
    • The members of the church should use technology to keep up with one another during this time.
    • It is important to maintain your Sunday and Wednesday routine to take advantage of online services.
    • Spend time in prayer daily.
    • Technology is a useful tool which can be used by members of the to continue to encourage and “fellowship.”

It is my hope that this video brought you motivation in this uncertain time. May each one of us continue to walk in the faith and find ourselves in the love of God.

Just my thoughts,

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