“Sticks and Stones will Break My Bones…”

“Sticks and Stones will Break My Bones…”

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”

When you think about those words, they are untrue.

We think we fool ourselves by saying them; but the truth is, words hurt.

There are words of encouragement, but when do we use them? God’s revealed word informs us to continually encourage one another (Hebrews 3:13).

Not only do words cut our heart, they influence others.

Think of all the religious names in your community. Chances are they number more than the fingers on your hand and the toes on your feet. There are too many!

All those names hurt everyone. It is a shame each group cannot throw down their name, their creed, their doctrine and abide in the doctrine of Christ.

Think about this quote from John Wesley:

“Would God that all party names and unscriptural phrases and forms which have divided the Christian world were forgotten and that we, as humble loving disciples, might sit down at the Master’s feet, read His Holy Word, imbibe His Spirit and transcribe His life into our own…With regard to the name Christian, I would say, there is none like it; give it to me, and in life and in death I would glorify God in this name.”

What about you?

Will you leave all names and just be a Christian?

Will you leave all books and believe the Bible?

Just some thoughts,

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What Do You Do When Words Hurt?

What Do You Do When Words Hurt?

Words hurt.

When you are wrong words hurt even more.

Being wrong and hearing that you have been wrong stings to the very core. However, being wrong and accepting it are two different situations. It takes laying your pride aside to acknowledge you are wrong and you want to fix it.

Kin Hubbard is quoted as saying, “The man who says, ‘I may be wrong but—’ does not believe there can be any such a possibility.” The acceptance of wrong means one must realize they are a flawed individual and they make mistakes. A person may not be as perfect as they think they are and accepting that is the beginning.

In Acts 2.37, those Jews gathered in the upper room heard some stinging words. Their response showed where their hearts were that day. The Holy Writ say they were “cut to the heart” (Acts 2.37; ESV). The King James Version says, “they were pricked in their heart.”

Whether you are “cut to the heart” or “pricked” in your heart, you know that it hurts. You may also know the Bible was not written in English, but in Greek. So, to better see what this word means, it is necessary to examine the word, “katanussō.”

The word, “katanussō”,”is defined as “to pierce thoroughly, to agitate violently” (Strongs).  Thayers Dictionary defines the word as “to prick, pierce; metaphorically to pain the mind sharply, agitate it vehemently.”

So, the word used show that the audience was hit right where it hurts – their heart.

The words spoken stung.

They hurt. They not only hurt, but they agitated the hearers to action.

Instead of being hurt and getting angry, the audience responded with a question. Everyone could have shunned the responsibility and just been angry. They could have got up and left. They would have went home and told everyone they know how mean those words were and how they were never going back. They could have stirred the drama pot of angst and hatred, but they did not.

The audience accepted those words.

Even though the words cut them deep, pierced them to the core, and agitated them, the audience chose to act on their newfound knowledge.  They chose to be responsible.

Their response was in the form of a question, “Brothers, what shall we do?”

At their question, they were ready. They were willing to accept responsibility and press forward. They were ready for a change. They were going to do what it took to solved the problem they created.

What would you have done at those moment? At the moment you were hit at your very core, how would you have responded?

To help answer this question, think of how you would respond today. Would you accept the words? Would you acknowledge you were wrong?

It seems easy to shed the responsibility and blame someone else. It seems easier to just get angry and walk away. However, in the long run, the problem still exists.

Putting off a problem only helps it to grow greater for another appearance later.

How do you handle the stinging words of truth?

Each of has been wrong before. Some of us will be wrong again.

When it comes to religion, being wrong is hard. A person may grow up and attended services at their church every time the doors are open only to find out later, they may have been wrong. It might not have ever happened to you, but it has happened to man some a point.

The key is where to look.

One not need to look at man’s words, but at God’s. Dig into the Holy Scriptures and see what they say. If we are doing something not in line with God’s word, then we need to change.

While we might be angry, upset, frustrated or sad, the emotions of the hurt must be solved but the actions to become right.

Be a person who does not shed responsibility, but me mature and accept the mistake and begin making changes to live well.

Read Acts 2 today and see how those who were “cut to the heart” responded.

Just my thoughts,