Product Review: Grammarly

Product Review: Grammarly

This product review post contains our affiliate links to Grammarly. If you purchase a product through our affiliate links, a small portion of the sale will go to continually fund our efforts. I thank you for your support.

Over the past few months, I have saved countless hours in editing and proofreading thanks to Grammarly.

I was skeptical at first, but after a week’s use, I was sold.

Here is a small picture of the start of the review in Microsoft Word and the areas where Grammarly picked up some errors. (Click the picture to see a larger image)

When you add that Grammarly has a browser extension that checks your online documents as you write, the benefits are well worth the cost.

The ability for an app to examine my writing and make suggestions in an instant is fantastic. In the past, I would read the document over and over again, but still, there were errors that I would often overlook.

While most of my writings are done in Microsoft Word, I find that Grammarly picks up more of the errors than the built-in spell check and grammar checker.

Here is a short video on Grammarly:

If you are a writer, blogger or editor, Grammarly will assist you in your writing. For me, it has been an excellent time saver and grammar editor.

Give Grammarly a glance and see how it can help your writing.

It would make a great gift to anyone who does writing; bloggers, students, journalists and even preachers.

Find out more about Grammarly by clicking below.

Check out Grammarly here!

Just my thoughts,

Some Thoughts on Journaling

Some Thoughts on Journaling

Several years ago I heard Jim Rohn talk about journaling and at first, I ignored it. The more and more I listened to Jim Rohn and other personal development speakers, the greater understanding I gained. I always pictured journaling as keeping a diary and I was not one to keep a diary.

Instead, journaling is a record of your thoughts, ideas, quotes, memories and anything else you want to write or fill in those blank pages. Since beginning my process of journaling, I have found myself depending on my journal at various times. My journal has been a safeguard for me to reflect on the ideas and brainstorming sessions.

I have used my journal as a mind dump for good times and bad times. It is good for me to reflect on those times and see who I can learn from them. It is an experience I appreciate.

Here are some ideas about journaling you might enjoy.

Ideas on Journaling

Get a Good Journal

Do not go out and purchase a $3 journal to begin. Instead make an invest into a nice journal. Purchasing a nicer journal will conscientiously help you to being writing. While most people do not see the value of paying money for a blank book, your journal is an investment in yourself. You are more likely to write if you have an investment in yourself.

Personally, I like a leather-bound, refillable journal. However, my current refillable journal is no longer produced by the company I have used for several years. Having a refillable journal allows me to keep the leather cover that I have broken-in over the years. The soft durable leather feels good as I carry it wherever I go.

Write Now

Write as soon as you can. As soon as you get your journal, start writing. If you already have a journal, start writing. Do not delay. It may not matter what you write, but just write. Fill those pages with words expressing your current thoughts, your future thoughts of even your goals.

Spending time writing, will open your mind in ways you could not imagine. It will clear your mind of any doubts and help you make decisions because you are putting all of those jumbled thoughts on paper to see now and reflect on later.

If you are struggling to find a first entry for your journal, use the topic “Why Should I Journal?” and begin writing. Let your mind flow and the words fill the pages.

Schedule Time to Write

After you write your first entry, schedule time to write the next day. Some prefer the morning, some the evening. Whatever time you pick, stick with it. Set an alarm on your phone and be sure to take that time to write in your journal.

When you develop a scheduled time to write in your journal, you are creating a habit. This habit will be a good one to get your brain moving and your thoughts flowing.

As mentioned previously, some like to journal in the morning and they like this because it sets the flow to their day. They are able to set out their day by writing and planning before they leave their house. Others find journaling at night helps them to release stress and clear their mind.

The choice as to when to journal is up to you, but make time to journal and be consistent.

Read Your Entries

You do not have to read your entries immediately, but reading them down the road will assist you in seeing the value of journaling as well as the achievements you have made.

Reflecting back on your accomplishments, mistakes, successes, memories and writings allows you to see how you have overcome situations, found success when you did not think it was possible and how much you have grown.While you may not see the growth everyday, reading your journal entries will allow you too see how you have grown.

Once a year I will take time and read through some of the past years journals and skim through others. Reading through them allows me to see all the situations, memories, thoughts and ideas I have had and how things worked, or did not work out. This gives me confidence to move stronger into the future.

Final Thoughts

I believe everyone can benefit from writing. Each person will benefit in a different way, but for those wishing to grow, journaling definitely helps.

While I avoided the idea for years, when I finally picked it up and began journaling, I found it to be refreshing and enlightening. For me, it helps to clear my mind and relieve stress, while at the same time generate ideas and thoughts that I am able to develop later.

I wish you well in your journaling projects.

Below are some additional thoughts and a video you might want to watch to get some more ideas.

Additional Thoughts:

Add pictures to your journal – Adding picture to your journal makes the memory more impressionable but also adds some color to the pages. A good example of this is journaling on your vacation. When you write the entry about the beach, include a picture of the beach to remind you as you reflect back later. You can print off pictures taken from your phone and add them to your journal. A simple piece of tape to hold the picture on the page can help solidify the memory.

Divide your journal – For two years, I divided my journal in to three sections: Notes, Brainstorming, Goals. Dividing up my journals into sections assisted me in keeping my thoughts in order. I used a piece of white duct tape and made sections in my journal by folding a small piece around the pages and titling the section.

Where to find a Journal? If you are looking for a journal, may I suggest looking at and see their selection of different types of journals. You can also use their search bar if you are looking for a specific type of journal.

Thoughts from Jim Rohn

Here are some thoughts I found on YouTube from Jim Rohn regarding journaling. This will give you a few ideas to start.

Just some thoughts,