The apostle Peter is usually known for two things:

(1) putting his foot in his mouth quite often and

(2) delivering the sermon on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.

Those two events in Peter’s life are his most well-known, but also a testimony to his personal growth.

Peter followed Christ after his brother Andrew brought him to see Jesus (John 1.41-42). Who knew that fisherman from a small town in Galilee would follow the Messiah for three years, open his mouth too soon, yet stand before other followers of Jesus and deliver a message which would, through the power of God, convert over 3,000 people from the beginning. (Acts 2.41)

Who knew?

I believe God knew. God knew that one person had the power to share a message and convert others. Jesus knew. From their first meeting, Jesus called Peter “Cephas” which means rock. Whether it is a look into Peter’s character or his firmness in his beliefs, we know that the word “rock” would mean greater things as the years went on. (Note Matthew 16.16-18)

What caused such growth in Peter? What caused Peter to go from being a fisherman to a gospel preacher? What allowed Peter to go from an open mouth to preaching from an open heart?

Peter was not a PH.D. candidate, nor was he a theological scholar, yet the Jewish leaders noticed something about his life. They noticed that this “uneducated, common” man had been with Jesus. (Acts 4.13)

Because Peter spent time with Jesus, people saw his boldness and his life. Spending time with Jesus not only changed Peter’s life, but it will change your life.

How can you spend time with Jesus? Open his words and spend time with His followers being encouraged together.

Just a thought,