Reading through Success Magazine a few years ago, I stumbled upon a study that answered a few questions, but caused more than it answered. The study mentioned one factor was considered more than others when someone would attend a funeral.
This one factor would determine if someone attended the funeral of a close friend, or even a family member. One factor alone was the determining factor. This one factor was…the weather.
The major factor determining whether to attend the funeral of someone was not the relationship, or the physical presence supporting the family, but the weather. I am not sure what you might consider factors for attending a funeral or not, but does the weather become the decision maker?
When I read this, I immediately thought of church services. Preachers have a way of turning every thought religious at some point, and this one made me consider church services. Sometimes making it to services because of extreme weather is difficult, but the article in Success Magazine was not referring to extreme weather, just simple rain.
In his book, Pepper ‘n Salt, Vance Havner wrote, “My father was faithful to the house of God. When he felt like it and when he didn’t, when the preaching was good and when it wasn’t, my father was there.
Whether the weather be good
Or whether the weather be hot,
Whether the weather be cold
Or whether the weather be not,
Whatever the weather, he weathered the weather,
Whether he liked it or not.
Mr. Havner’s words reflect the life his father lived and how his father stayed committed to following God.
Are we committed to our relationship with God over the weather?
Are there things other than weather that keep us away from the Lord?
Just a thought,
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