Every Church Needs Knowledgeable Elders – The leadership must not stop growing because they are called leaders, they must continue to grow because they are leaders. (2 Peter 3.18)

Every Church Needs Leading Elders – Leaders need to Lead! Just because a title is gained, leadership does not quit. The continual leading of others to a high plain is vital in the development of their lives. Leader must keep leading!

Every Church Needs Seeking Elders – Leaders need to be actively seeking others to develop and step up to take a leadership role. The development of future leaders is a now concept, it cannot wait until a problem arises.  The vision cast by the leader needs to take the team to the next level.

Every Church Needs Prepared Elders – If a leader is actively leading, very few problems within in the congregation explode and cause a major dilemma. As long as the leaders are preparing the church, his work and his future, the situations of the future are being grasped and prepared for as well. Be assured that an active leader is one who is getting to know the team and the goals. He is working with them to seek achievement.

Every Church Needs Loving Elders – Without love, leading is worthless. Yes, you can lead a congregation without loving them, but the results will not be one of greatness. Leading out of love allows the leader to practice the Golden Rule – “Do to others what you want done to you.”  Leaders leading out of love find a genuine concern and care for those following them. They are able to reach down and pick them up to the next level because they care about the success of the followers!

The church today needs strong leaders.

The church today also needs the sheep to encourage the shepherds.

Will you encourage our shepherds today?

Just some thoughts,