Words matter. Words make a difference to the one speaking them, and the one hearing them.Years ago, many of us were taught the phrase of “sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” In our younger years, we used this phrase to deflect the harmful words of others. But words hurt. I would imagine you have been hurt by words.

Words not only hurt, but words can influence others. James writes, “Not many of you should become teachers, my brother, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.” (James 3.1; ESV)

The influence of words is like that of a ship’s rudder. Even though a rudder is small, it can influence a large ship and take it where it wants to travel. (James 3.4)

What steps can we take to be sure we are using words properly?

  • Change your mind. What proceeds from your lips is a product of what lives in our hearts. (Matthew 15.18) Our minds should be focused on things above (Colossians 3.2) and we should meditate on the higher things (Philippians 4.8).
  • Are the words I speak helping? Are the words you are speaking encouraging to others? (Hebrews 3.13) Are the words we speak spoken out of love? (Ephesians 4.15)

Just some thoughts,

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