The walls of the pit must have seemed higher than a building as it blocked out the sun while his brothers looked down at him. The only thing he had done was to share the dreams he had over the past few nights. His brother became furious at his interpretation of the dreams. His brothers disliked the more he obeyed his father. Now, he is in a pit… just waiting.

The next step would take him farther from home. His brothers ended up selling him to slave traders. He ended up being sold again to the captain of the military guard in Egypt. Now he was a servant in a foreign land far from home. In a short time, he went from being the most loved son of his father to being a servant in a God-less kingdom.

Even though he was in a foreign land, the Lord watched over him and brought him to a place of prominence in the empire. Long story short, he ended up in prison for doing what was right. His choice of the right thing ended up putting him in the wrong place.

How can a man stay true to who he is called to be when, at every height, there is a rocky bottom?

Whether a pit or a foreign prison, he was at the bottom again?

What do you do when everyone turns their back on you?

  1. Joseph stayed faithful. The Lord blessed Joseph in prison and each blessing brought him success. (Genesis 39.21-23)
  2. Joseph uses his abilities. Not only was Joseph faithful, but he used his gifts to bless those around him. (Genesis 40.1-15)
  3. Joseph remembered God. As God remembered Joseph, Joseph remembered the way God had blessed him and he looked into the future. (Genesis 41.50.52)

Just some thoughts,