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Welcome to episode #2 of the podcast.
This episode is a little over 20 minutes, just barely, but the information can help you develop 20 minute daily habits to assist you in personal growth. Â 20 minutes can give you the edge you need. Just 1,200 seconds and provide you the edge you need to conquer a new area of life. 20 minutes one time may not change your future, but it can. In fact, 20 minutes every day can begin to plant a seed for further growth later in life.
Here are a few of my 20 minute tools:
New Language:
- Duolingo – Duolingo is the app I use to study Spanish. It is a simple and rewarding way to spend about 20 minutes a day learning a new language.
- Sign Language – Soon I am going to start learning sign language but I have not found the best training system yet. If you know of one, let me know.
Audio Podcasts:
- Player FM Podcast Player – Player FM gives me the features I need in a simple way. Easily download podcasts, auto-delete feature to delete them after you listen to them and more.
- ****My Current podcast List – Here is a link to my current podcast list. You can download it and import it into your podcast player.
- **** The site I use is down (figures). I will update this with a link as soon as I get it.
Meditation / Thought Reset
- Headspace – This app is free for the first ten episodes of guided meditation. Each guided meditation takes about ten minutes.
- Accupuncture Back Mat – When not using headspace and just laying on the floor, I use this acupuncture backmat and listen to a few classical songs or other calming songs on Amazon MP3
- Push up Bars – Simple push up bars can make a difference in your training.
- Hand Therapy – I use these in the car, at the office, and wherever else.
Spiritual Life
- Prayer – Prayer is my one way verbal discussion with my Creator.
- Reading – To be a “man of the book” you have to read the book.
New Hobby
- Back to Guitar – It has been a while, but I am starting to get back to playing. I discovered several four chord guitar programs that I am looking to try. Here is one – Musopia; FourChords.
- I also mentioned my brothers site,
- Ukelele – A crazy purchase got me to start this long process.
I hope you enjoyed the podcast and the links in the show notes. Stay tuned for some upcoming podcasts and more information.
Just some thoughts,