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Welcome to episode #2 of the podcast.
This episode is a little over 20 minutes, just barely, but the information can help you develop 20 minute daily habits to assist you in personal growth. 20 minutes can give you the edge you need. Just 1,200 seconds and provide you the edge you need to conquer a new area of life. 20 minutes one time may not change your future, but it can. In fact, 20 minutes every day can begin to plant a seed for further growth later in life.
Here are a few of my 20 minute tools:
New Language:
- Duolingo – Duolingo is the app I use to study Spanish. It is a simple and rewarding way to spend about 20 minutes a day learning a new language.
- Sign Language – Soon I am going to start learning sign language but I have not found the best training system yet. If you know of one, let me know.
Audio Podcasts:
- Player FM Podcast Player – Player FM gives me the features I need in a simple way. Easily download podcasts, auto-delete feature to delete them after you listen to them and more.
- ****My Current podcast List – Here is a link to my current podcast list. You can download it and import it into your podcast player.
- **** The site I use is down (figures). I will update this with a link as soon as I get it.
Meditation / Thought Reset
- Headspace – This app is free for the first ten episodes of guided meditation. Each guided meditation takes about ten minutes.
- Accupuncture Back Mat – When not using headspace and just laying on the floor, I use this acupuncture backmat and listen to a few classical songs or other calming songs on Amazon MP3
- Push up Bars – Simple push up bars can make a difference in your training.
- Hand Therapy – I use these in the car, at the office, and wherever else.
Spiritual Life
- Prayer – Prayer is my one way verbal discussion with my Creator.
- Reading – To be a “man of the book” you have to read the book.
New Hobby
- Back to Guitar – It has been a while, but I am starting to get back to playing. I discovered several four chord guitar programs that I am looking to try. Here is one – Musopia; FourChords.
- I also mentioned my brothers site,
- Ukelele – A crazy purchase got me to start this long process.
I hope you enjoyed the podcast and the links in the show notes. Stay tuned for some upcoming podcasts and more information.
Just some thoughts,