24 Things You Can Begin Today for a Greater 2024

  1. Set your mind on Heaven (Colossians 3.2)
  2. Plan for your future with wisdom (Proverbs 21.5)
  3. Open and read your Bible for 20 minutes and day (Acts 17.11)
  4. Find someone in the congregation to serve (Galatians 5.13)
  5. Take a stand and let your family know you plan to take them to Heaven (Joshua 14.15)
  6. Plan to attend every service and be an encouragement (Hebrews 10.24)
  7. Set aside time to pray and remember to pray for yourself (Matthew 6.6)
  8. Schedule time or opportunity to teach your children (Deuteronomy 6.4-8)
  9. Start or plan your contribution (2 Corinthians 8.1-5)
  10. Consider your spiritual retirement account and how to increase it (Matthew 6.19)
  11. Invite someone to attend services with you (John 1.41)
  12. Forgive others (Ephesians 4.32)
  13. Message those who missed services and let them know they were missed (Romans 12.10)
  14. Decide to practice pure and undefiled religion (James 1.27)
  15. Learn to enjoy the day (Psalm 118.24)
  16. Not only attend worship, attend Bible classes (2 Timothy 2.15)
  17. Practice kindness, even to those who are opposite of you (Romans 12.20)
  18. Speak words of encouragement instead of complaints (Philippians 2.14-15)
  19. Search for a better way (Matthew 7.14)
  20. Remember those less fortunate than you (Proverbs 19.17)
  21. Invest goodness in the lives of others (Galatians 6.10)
  22. Practice thankfulness (Colossians 3.17)
  23. Pursue peace (Romans 12.18)
  24. Overcome evil with good (Romans 12.31)

Just some thoughts,

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