From grocery lists, shopping lists and “Honey Do” lists our lives might be full of various lists scattered on sheets of paper in our houses, cars, books, etc. This week, let’s add another one to the list, but let’s call it a “Congregational Family To-Do List.”
Many people use lists to help us stay on track and even remember what we are to do. Let’s use this list as a starting point to reach out to others and strengthen ourselves this week.
Here is your “Congregational Family To-Do List”
- Read two chapters of the Bible each day. (grab a Daily Bible Reading Schedule to help)
- Apply two things I learned from reading the Bible.
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- Apply two things I learned from reading the Bible.
- Write two cards or message to people needing encouragement:
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- Greet as many people as I can on Sunday morning
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- Pray specifically for three people of the congregation:
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- Pray specifically for three people who have missed services:
- _______________________________________________________________________________________
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Just some thoughts,