To my children,

All I really want is to see you in heaven. I want you to be successful in this life, but so much more in the life to come. Success in this life is determined by human standards, but success in the life to come is determined by your life with Christ now.

The church is changing; some good and some bad – but always remember, the God side of the church is perfect, it is the human side that’s the problem. As humans, we desire to see change we want instead of changes we need. I desire that you be the change we need!

Stand firm on your convictions and stand with evidence in the Bible; not on the words of man. Believe nothing you read or hear until you following the Berean example (Acts 17.11). Check the Bible for the truth (John 17.17). Believe not the philosophies of man, but the words of an eternal God (Isaiah 55.8-9). Man’s ways will only take you to the ends of this Earth; God’s words take you to the unending life.

Strengthen the church. Be the strengthening factor in the church. While some will seek to separate the church from Christ, realize it cannot be done. When you separate the head from the body (Ephesians 1.22, 23), the body dies. The church cannot live without Christ. We need Him and the church needs you to tell others about Him and His church.

Looking at you now, I see the desire you have to follow God. You are readers, hearers and doers of the word even when the world challenges you the other way. Continue reading, listening, studying, and living the life you know is the life to live. Let not the world determine your choices. Let your knowledge of the Creator of the universe be your guide. Let the word speak today as it spoke in years past – it changed souls then and it will change lives today (2 Timothy 3.16-17).

Each day, reach for the prize ahead (Philippians 3.12-14) and put aside those things which are slowing down your spiritual life (Hebrews 12.1). Run the race so you may receive a prize, but let that prize be given to you by God and not by man (1 Corinthians 9.24; 2 Timothy 4.7-8).

Live your life in such a way you will see Jesus and we will see each other in the end.

Your proud father,
