Like most football fans, I love a good rivalry which goes back years and becomes pretty intense weeks before the game. The Alabama – Auburn rivalry goes back years and is so intense, most know it as “The Iron Bowl.” Currently, Alabama leads the series 42-35 and there has been 1 tie. As the Iron Bowl on November 29th approaches, fans from both teams will begin debating which team is faster, stronger and better. This year, will be a first for my family and I, as each teams stakes their claim as the best football team in the state, we will watch the Iron Bowl as residents of Alabama.

You read that right – the Gallaghers are moving to Alabama!

I have accepted the pulpit position at the Gadsden Church of Christ in Gadsden, Alabama. The packing of many boxes, furniture and such will begin shortly as we seek to sell our home and finalize things in South Carolina. Pray for us as we make this transition over the next few weeks. It will be a big transition for the kids after living in South Carolina for the past nine years. We look forward to joining our Gadsden family to share the message and serve the people of Alabama and the world.



Alabama, we will see you soon!


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