Friday Freebie – Coloring Page

Friday Freebie – Coloring Page

On today’s Friday Freebie, you are able to download two free scripture coloring pages. These coloring pages contain a verse from the Bible.

You can click the image below to download the printable image.


Click the image below to download

Preacher's Pen Coloring Page
Preacher's Pen Coloring Page

Thank you for visiting and downloading the Friday Freebie from the Preacher’s Pen.

Share this page with others and they can download the images to use.

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Just some thoughts,

Free Resource: Bible Times Coloring Book

Free Resource: Bible Times Coloring Book

Engage your kids in an exciting adventure back to Bible times with our Bible Times Coloring Book. This coloring book, which can be downloaded and printed for free, is a unique way for your child to learn while having fun.

  • Features pictures that relate to biblical times, making learning interesting.

  • Suitable for all age groups, fostering a shared family activity.

  • An excellent free resource for parents and Bible class teachers.

  • Downloadable and printable, convenient for all your creative needs.

Click the image below to download your Bible Time Coloring Book

(You can right click and choose “Save As” and save it to your computer.)

Bible Times Coloring Book







Daily Bible Reading Worksheets – Week #2

Daily Bible Reading Worksheets – Week #2

Bible Reading Worksheets for Week #2

How is your Daily Bible Reading going this year?

Below are some worksheets we are offering to help you in your Bible reading progression. We will release these worksheets every Thursday for the week ahead. This will give you ample opportunity to dive into God’s word with some study questions to challenge you to read deep and examine the Word closer.

We are offering two different Daily Bible Reading Worksheets below. See which one fits your Daily Bible Reading Schedule and your growth plan the best and download, print them and work through them as you read each day.

If you missed Week #1 you can download those worksheets here.

The New Testament Daily Bible Reading Series – This series is a 26 weeks series on Reading the New Testament. It is great for the beginner to Daily Bible reading because it starts with the New Testament, which is very familiar to most readers. Also, it is a few chapters a day, which allows the reader to not be overwhelmed with many chapters.

The Full Bible Reading Series – This series contains reading from various sections of the Bible each day. Instead of reading the Bible straight through, it allows the reader to read from a different section of the Bible each day. Using this worksheet will help you stay on track through the various sections of the Bible, making quick progress, but not getting stuck on the usual passage.

These worksheets will be available each Thursday here on the website. The worksheets will also be available on Wednesday through the Preacher’s Pen Wednesday Email Newsletter. You can sign-up for the Newsletter here.

Download the 2024 New Testament 26 Week #2 Daily Bible Reading Worksheet here


Download the 2024 Full Bible Daily Bible Reading Week #2 Worksheet here

Are you preparing for your opportunity for Spiritual Growth in 2024?

If you would like, contact us and let us know who are you doing in your Daily Bible Reading throughout the 2024.

Just some thoughts,




The Power of a Smile – The Power of One Series – Part #4

The Power of a Smile – The Power of One Series – Part #4

Does a smile have the ability to change others?

Can a smile have an impact?

In 1993, the world needed something. It would be 1993 that two men,  Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, released the “Chicken Soup for the Soul.”  Chicken Soup for the Soul filled a gap in the world. The world that was hurting and needed to connect with stories that created hope for those who felt hopeless and nurtured people who were feeling lost and abandoned.

Chicken Soup for the Soul was a compilation of true stories and other stories that inspired readers by showing how others made a difference when it mattered most.

One story titled “A Simple Gesture,” penned by John W. Schlatter.

In John Schlatter’s story, he describes Bill and Mark. Bill was a nerdy guy who was bullied. One day Mark encountered Bill when he, Bill, was planning to kill himself. Mark smiled at Bill. It would be that simple gesture that helped Bill feel the compassion and sense of belonging he needed to stop his plan and begin living a positive life.

All because of a simple smile.

When we encounter people for the first time, we do not know what is happening in their lives. The same is true in our lives; they do not know what is going on in ours. One of the most beautiful things we can do, as a first impression, is to smile at them no matter what is going on in ours.

The act of smiling gives out energy which releases endorphins in our body designed to make us feel good. The experience of receiving a smile can change our mood, our perspectives, and our self-image.

What does a simple smile convey?

    • It conveys that I see you.
    • It conveys you are accepted.
    • It conveys I like you.
    • It conveys you matter.

Smiling is one of the fundamental and foundational ways we bond as human beings. When our children are babies, we connect with them from the moment they are born. As parents, we wait with anticipation to see that first genuine smile back.

This first smile back was a sign we are affecting our children’s learning. This shows us they know us, they like us and our communication is just beginning.

If you want a challenge, try these next steps, and see if you notice the impact it has on you and those around you.

(1) Choose a day when you are going to be in your community, around town, running errands or crossing paths with other people. Make it a point to look at each person you see in the eye and smile. Don’t worry if they have their head down, just look at them and smile. The chance that they look up and see a smiling face is great.

(2) When you see an employee in a store, smile at them. As you do wait for the smile back and greet them pleasantly. Remember, we do not know what they are going through. Many employees hear complaints all day long and you might be the first smiling face they see.

(3) Have you ever noticed how you feel when someone responds to your smile with one of their own. Notice how it feels when they don’t respond to your smile. When you feel the effects of a simple smile, it can leave a lasting impact, not just on others, but for you as well.

Who knows what a simple smile can do for someone?

It is a simple gesture each of us can do every day.

Will you smile today?

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

Wednesdays in the Word – February 3, 2021 – Preacher’s Pen VidCast

Wednesdays in the Word – February 3, 2021 – Preacher’s Pen VidCast

In this episode of Wednesday in the Word on the Preacher’s Pen, we discuss the parable of the sower found in Matthew 13.

The Parable of the Sower is unique because many will focus only on the seed, but today, let us turn our attention to the sower. Here are a few things to remember from the Parable of the Sower:

#1 – The Sower knew his responsibility.

#2 – The Sower had the right seed.

#3 – The Sower had his field.

#4 – The Sower never stopped sowing.


“Wednesdays in the Word” is a short video lesson on a passage of text to help us create better days today for a better life tomorrow, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Download a PDF copy of the outline here

Thank you for checking out “Wednesday’s in the Word.”

Be sure to download a copy of the lesson for your personal study or a Bible class.

You can join us next week at 10:15 am (CST) for another edition of Wednesdays in the Word. Be sure to check out our other classes and videos on our website.

Thanks you again.

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

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In less than 40 days, Election Day will be here and millions of our country’s citizens will make their way to the polls to vote to vote for their candidate of choice. It is my prayer that all people would spend time in prayer before voting. Prayer is an important part of daily life, but especially during election times. Some will put their politics before their prayers. Let us be sure to continue in our prayers.

Last week, we began developing a website call Pray for the Election. ( This website was developed, not as a political website, but as a website for prayer. There is no sponsoring of a candidate, political party or political agenda. It is a website dedicated to encouraging others to spend time in prayer on behalf of the upcoming elections. The Bible speaks of praying for the leaders of the nation in which we live, and we want to encourage others to pray for the upcoming elections.

Our nation is in turmoil on many fronts and we need to spend time in prayer. This is not a time to divide, but a time to unite in prayer and request that God provide us wisdom and peace. We know that God is in control and we need His blessing of strength in our lives. Let us pray.

The purpose of Pray for the Election. (  is to encourage people everywhere to lift up Holy hands and pray for the next five weeks as we draw closer to Election Day. You can join us at the Pray for the Election. ( website.

You can also join the Pray for the Election Facebook Page by clicking here. 

Thank you for being a part of praying for our nation.

Just a thought,

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