Jesus is Interested in You
When Jesus gathered with His closest friends shortly before His betrayal and arrest, He says, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” (John 16.13; ESV)
While most know the verse, it is important to realize the background of His words. The background is simple, yet chilling.
Jesus was getting ready to die, and He knew it. As one might say, “His time had come.” He knew that shortly one of his closest followers would betray him for money, that another would deny him three times and still all the others would disappear for a while. He would be left alone. It would be difficult.
Jesus taught many lessons throughout His brief time on Earth, but one of the greatest lessons He taught was service. Even though He knew His friends would leave Him, He still stood firm and served them so their lives could be greater.
Jesus’ interests were clearly in the lives of those around Him. He knew His purpose (Luke 19.10) and His purpose was not of His own, but that of the Father. (John 6.38) Even in His prayer in John 17, one can see the actions of Jesus were to glorify the Father (John 17.1-5). As Jesus prays for Himself, He does not forget His friends (John 17.20-26)
Are you interested in the people?
Jesus found an interest in people because they needed someone to lead them to a better life. Earlier in His ministry, Matthew records that Jesus “…had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9.35-38)
Are you sharing the story of Jesus’ interest in people?
Remember, Jesus is interested in you.
Just a thought,