A Few Simple Words to Create Conversation

A Few Simple Words to Create Conversation

As followers of Christ, we know that we have the greatest gift in the world — salvation through Jesus Christ. With our salvation, we enjoy all the benefits of being in Christ. We have spiritual blessings from above (Ephesians 1.3; James 1.17)

Our new life in Christ should allow us to find joy and find a need to share the gospel of Christ with others so they can be healed of sin and be reconciled to God. Ephesians 2.1-17) Many have the joy found in Christ, but sharing the gospel becomes difficult.

If I may, allow me a moment to share a few simple statements you can use to create conversation.

(1) Remember that God loves you, and He wants to have a relationship with you. (John 3.16-17; John 17.3)

(2) Our sins prevent us from having a relationship with God. (Isaiah 59.1,2, Romans 3.23)

(3) God sent Jesus to reconcile us to Him. (John 14.6; Ephesians 2.13-16)

(4) We change our eternal destiny by repenting of our sins and having our sins washed way in baptism. (Acts 2.37-38; Acts 22.16; Romans 6.1-8)

As a child of God, do you share what the Lord has done for you? Do you share how others can come to know and have the salvation found in Jesus?

Just a thought,

A Few Simple Words to Create Conversation

Who is Leading You? – Just a Quick Thought

Who is leading you?

John Maxwell made the statement that, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” I believe he is correct.

Leadership is going to, and already is a major topic across the globe and people are realizing it more and more every day. In a recent newsletter from a friend in another country, this statement was said,

“And everything is blamed on the same Ukraine war, even though we know the primary problem is our inept leaders.”

Leaders do not provide excuses, they provide solutions.

Who is leading you today?

The church needs spiritual leaders to rise and shepherd the flock of God. We need leaders who are actively seeking solutions to guide our congregations, by the word of God, into the future.

We need leaders/shepherds who will not shirk from their spiritual duties and becoming entrapped in the world excuses. We need those leaders to seek the solutions found in the word of God and bring that message to others.

We need leaders/shepherds to be in the front leading people. They do not need to inhabit a pew, but they need to be in leading.

Just my thoughts,

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