The Short Answer – Yes!

One person can make a world of difference because the power of one is undeniable. When you look at history, you will see a long list of people who made a difference. These people may have launched a movement, challenge people to live better or made a small choice which caused others to do the same.

Today, social media has given everyone the ability to have a platform and reach countless others. It has never been easier for someone to create a platform for their unique voice, to start a movement, and to rally others behind your cause.

Here are some influencers who single-handedly changed their world:

Do you remember Rosa Parks? Rosa Parks took a stand against segregation and made her impact on the civil rights movement when she refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus.

How about Nelson Mandela? Mr. Mandela was an unforgettable leader in the movement to end Apartheid in South Africa.

What of those individuals that changed your world?

What about that one teacher that took time and made a difference in your life?

How about your parents and grandparents who affected your life?

Maybe it was a friend, a preacher, a Bible class teacher, or a college professor?

I would imagine that you could speak of the difference-makers in your life, you would find that they all had something in common. I believe you would find that none of them thought of themselves as special, unique, or out of the ordinary. They might have been that to you, but when they see themselves, they see a normal person. They may not have intended to make such a difference in the beginning, but they did. They never felt what they did was anything anyone else would not do given the same options. I would imagine they would be humble and passionate about their interest and would share that they wanted to do their part to help.

This is where the actions of a person make a difference. When one person takes a stand and steps out because someone needs to, they do not know whether they will be successful, but they knew someone must do something.

When someone stepped out, it is not about betting on a guarantee. They decided on the action and it seems the path unfolds before them. As the path unfolds, the resources they need, the connections, and the story all come together as they progress forward in actions.

What started with one person’s actions becomes a community or tribe working together for the same cause.

We should never doubt the ability of one person to make a difference.

Everyone might notice the difference you make, or it might seem to go unnoticed. Either way, do not deny yourself the benefit of your impact.

I would encourage you to step out onto the path towards making your impact.

Remember, one person made a difference in your life. You can make a difference in someone else’s life.

To your success,Signature File