In the light of the current events in our nation, I am requesting each person to take a moment on Tuesday, June 30th at 1:00pm (EST) and spend some time in prayer. Pray for our nation, its leaders and the citizens of this nation.

I believe this is a time where we need prayer more than ever. My words on Facebook a few days ago, share my current thinking:

Today, the United States has seen the consequences of electing leaders who care more about political opinion than the future of our children. The leaders have become cowards looking for votes instead of leading a nation into the future.

This morning, if you listen closely, you can hear the “death rattle” of a nation choking to death on its own disgust. The downward spiral is upon us and no voted politician will bring us back. It must be “We the People.”

The people must turn to God, not a man, for the restoration of hope and life. The vile digest of sin needs to be called what it is – sin. Instead of fluffing up words as to not offend, how about exposing the vile filth for what it really is – a path to hell.

Whether you want to believe it or not, a court of cowards by no means overrides the GOD of all men. It is He who must be glorified, not a court of fools.

Christians, rise to the occasion and live your life for GOD and not a human institution.

Do not let the religion of living for GOD become second place. Show the world your greatness because of Christ.

Just my thought you never asked for.

These were my thoughts when I saw such an immoral decision come from leaders of a nation who have “In God We Trust” on our money, yet the heart of a nation is far from them. As a result, I am asking each person to spend a few moments in prayer on Tuesday at 1pm (EST). Let us unite as a group of humbled servants to petition the Lord Almighty ad seek His guidance in the midst of this current turmoil.

Feel free to copy and share this graphic and let’s get to praying!

Just my thoughts,