Due to the political craziness, growing debt, roller-coaster unemployment and “don’t have a clue” politicians, many want to return to the founding documents (Declaration of Independence, Constitution and the Federalist Papers) to strengthen our nation’s unity and priorities. They reason many want to return to those documents is their desire to find the hope and strength our nation had over 200 years ago. Their dreams were written and their goals were in the minds of the citizens of this new country. They were sacrificing and determined that this new country would be the one of hope and prosperity.
I submit to you, if Christians want to find the hope and the significant life, they need to return to the Original Document – The Bible. If Christians lose the Original Document, they lose heaven.
The world needs Christians more committed to the Bible than the nation.
The world needs Christians more committed to the cause of Christ than the nations cause.
The world needs Christians more committed to Christ’s purpose than a political party’s purpose.
Just my thoughts,