After a short time offline, the Preacher’s Pen is back and ready to go. The time offline was spent moving the website and all related files to a new webhosting company. This downtime allowed for a quick cleanup of files and various pages. Now, we are ready to grow the website and reach more people in more ways.

Beginning last year, I resigned from local work and entered a period of refreshment and renewal. After a short hiatus from local ministry, I entered the opportunity for local work with the Gadsden Church of Christ in Gadsden, Alabama. In a few weeks, I will share with you my thoughts on why I took a break and why I decided to enter local work again. It will be a heartfelt look from a minister’s eyes. Other upcoming posts are:

  • When God Says “No”
  • Living 6 Months on 3 Months Emergency Fund
  • When Starting Over is Just Right
  • What I Really Think of Essential Oils
  • How to Make a Life
  • Ten Ways to Enjoy Church
  • Why Are You Waiting?

As I have grown in my life over the past year and re-entered local ministry, the Preacher’s Pen website is back and ready for action. Steps have been taken to improve the speed and the format of the site. Over the next few months, various resources will be added; a few of them are listed below.


Future Releases:


April 1st – The New Preacher’s Pen Podcast

  • On April 1st, a new Preacher’s Pen Podcast will be launched as a weekly tool to educate, motivate and inspire others for better service in the Kingdom of God. This podcast will be available on iTunes and other podcast formats. Stay tuned for more information.

April 6th – A New Sermon Podcast

  • A sermon podcast will begin on April 6th. This will be different than the weekly Preacher’s Pen Podcast. The Sermon Podcast will feature the lessons presented on Sunday morning. This podcast will also include a link to the sermon outline accompanying the podcast in the note section.

May 1st – A New Preacher’s Pen Photo Section

  • A photo section will be made available on the Preacher’s Pen website to provide photos suitable to PowerPoint backgrounds and to be used in other ways. The photos will be available for free in a digital format, but possibly available at a low-cost in a print.

June 1st – The Preacher’s Pen Store

  • One June 1st, we will open, for the first-time, the Preacher’s Pen Store. This store will feature a variety of resources, books and others items. More details to follow.


As you can see, there are many things taking place behind the scenes of the Preacher’s Pen. I hope that you will be a part of these efforts by sharing them on your social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.).

Thanks for being a part of the efforts to share the best message in the history of the world.

Just some thoughts,