Christians are people of action! Being a Christian transcends beyond mere belief; it’s an active pursuit of a life modeled after Jesus Christ. This journey is not confined to Sundays but is an everyday commitment to living out one’s faith through actions that draw one closer to God.

First, if you ask God in faith for the wisdom to go through trials, He will grant you wisdom. (James 1.8) Faith is not just about weathering storms but seeking the wisdom to navigate them. When faced with trials, a Christian’s faith is a request for divine guidance, a wisdom that God promises to provide generously.

Second, the man who stands firm throughout trials will receive a reward from God—a crown of life. (James 1.12) The crown of life is a promise from God, just as Paul spoke in 2 Timothy 4.6-8)

Third, God is the giver of ever perfect and good gift. (James 1.17) We know this to be true because every spiritual blessing is found in Christ. (Ephesians 1.3) We know God will take care of His children. Matthew 6.19-34)

Fourth, we still must act. James writes, “be doers of the word, and not hearers only.” (James 1.22) If we only hear the word and then do nothing about it, we deceive ourselves because our actions do not follow through with our beliefs.

Do your beliefs align with your actions?

Just some thoughts,