In 1971, Coca-Cola released a commercial with new jingle, “I’d like to teach the world to sing, in perfect harmony…I’d like to buy the world a Coke, and keep it company, that’s the real thing.” The new jingle became an instant hit and propelled Coke to a new generation, and it has been called “one of the best-loved and most influential ads in TV history. (Campaign magazine, 2007)

Coke, or Coca-Cola, has been a household name because of its mission. After WWII, Americans returned from all parts of the world.  That global exposure led Robert Woodruff, president of Coca-Cola from 1923 to 1955, to succinctly state is his new vision: “During my lifetime I want every person in the world to taste Coca-Cola.” (Shepherding the Sheep in Smaller Churches, Paul Powell, 1995, p.43)

Someone has said, “Almost any mission trip reminds us that Coke has done a better job than the Church.” The influence of Coke has been driven by its mission to share the taste of a Coke with every person in the world.

Have you ever offered someone a Coke?

In 2017, LifeWay Research asked 1,010 American adults that attend church at least once a month, “What is the primary reason you do not bring guests with you to worship services more often?” By far, the most common response (31%) was, “I do not know.” (

Are you more likely to offer someone a Coke or the opportunity to learn more about Christ?

Let us remember that everlasting life lasts long than a Coke.

Just some thoughts,

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