The Power of Improving Yourself

The Power of Improving Yourself

The apostle Peter is known for two things (1) putting his foot in his mouth often and (2) delivering the sermon on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. Those two events in Peter’s life are his most well-known, but also a testimony to his personal growth.

Peter followed Christ after his brother Andrew brought him to see Jesus (John 1.41-42). Who knew that fisherman from a small town in Galilee would follow the Messiah for three years, open his mouth too soon, yet stand before other followers of Jesus and deliver a message which would, through the power of God, convert over 3,000 people from the beginning. (Acts 2.41)

Who knew?

God knew.

God knew that one person had the power to share a message and convert others.

Jesus knew.

From their first meeting, Jesus called Peter “Cephas” which means rock. Whether it is a look into Peter’s character or his firmness in his beliefs, we know that the word “rock” would mean greater things as the years went on. (Note Matthew 16.16-18)

What caused such growth in Peter? What caused Peter to go from being a fisherman to being a gospel preacher? What allowed Peter to go from an open mouth to preaching from an open heart?

Peter was not a PH.D. candidate, nor was he a theological scholar, yet the Jewish leaders noticed something about his life. They noticed that this “uneducated, common” man had been with Jesus. (Acts 4.13)

Because Peter spent time with Jesus, people saw his boldness and his life. Spending time with Jesus not only changed Peter’s life, but it will change your life.

How can you spend time with Jesus?

Open his words and spend time with His followers being encouraged together.

Just a thought,

Making a Difference to Others Benefits You – The Power of One Series #9

Making a Difference to Others Benefits You – The Power of One Series #9

As we have spoken about already, you must remember that making a difference in the lives of others has a benefit for you as well. You will find yourself in a different place because of your influence on others.

Draw this in your mind for a moment: one person making an effort + multiple people receiving the benefits of that effort = countless people who are now in a better situation.

While you are motivated to help others for selfless reasons, you do find there are undeniable benefits that come from the effort. It is not selfish to appreciate or enjoy those benefits. They are rewards for doing a job well.

One benefit of helping others is it makes you feel happier and helps you live a fulfilled life. You can understand that because of your effort, someone somewhere is now better off.

When you think of motivation, be aware there are different types. Typically, people think of the big words of motivation, but when it is broken down, you are able to see its lasting effects.

Consider these types of motivation work in the lives of others. Each person might be looking for motivation to affect their life in different areas:

  • Those needed wanting positive reinforcement.
  • Those seeking to avoid negative consequences.
  • Those with a natural desire to be motivated (Also called “intrinsic motivation”)
  • There are other forces work together to motivate us to act.

No matter our reason for taking action, the benefits are rewarding and more impactful than you may realize. Many people see the action, then forget to see the results. It is not selfish to look for positive results in others because of your actions.

Here is a list of personal benefits you will find in your life when you help make a difference in the lives of others:

You are Creating and Building a Legacy – When you begin making a difference in the lives of others, it often leads creating a legacy. Others will remember who you are and what you did for them or someone they know because you took actions for the greater good. You will find that pouring yourself into something bigger than you can make an impact for generations – this is creating a legacy.

You are Giving Back – Sometimes making a difference comes from giving back to others when you have realized your blessings.  Giving back provides healing to your life and to the lives of others. You will also find satisfaction because you have been able to bless others. This healing and satisfaction come from paying forward what you have gained in your lifetime.

You are Restoring Your Faith – When you have lost something precious, it feels good to regain your faith in God, humanity, or your community.  When you begin making a difference, you see the good in others and it begins a process of restoring your faith. When your faith is restored, you begin seeing others in a different light and you notice a different side the first perceived.

You Begin Reducing Depression – Various forms of depression are rampant in the world, especially in the past year. When you are suffering, it helps to refocus your energy to somewhere other than yourself. When you refocus your energy, you find your suffering slowly easing. You find more energy because you see the difference you are making in others. Your efforts to assist others, changes you.

You Might Honor Someone – You might make a change in others because someone made a difference in yours.  You can honor someone by making a difference just as they did. In doing so, you also continue their legacy and their memory.

You Create Future Opportunities – Your actions have a unique way of creating future opportunities for you to make a difference. When your actions take root, it is like planting a seed and watching it grow. As that seed grows, more opportunities will be present.

When you intentionally choose to make a difference in the lives of others, it becomes a winning situation for everyone involved. The win might not be immediately known, but it will be a worthwhile effort.

Remember, those who receive support from others are blessed, just as those who step out and make a difference.

Be assured that your efforts to serve others will come to result in significant personal benefit.

Realize the power of one.

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

A Letter to My Friends

A Letter to My Friends


Today I wrote out of frustration. I write because I am disappointed, discouraged and yet, challenged, by the mystery that is our country.

This year has been truly daunting. It started well, but then came the Covid-19 crisis, the murder hornets, wildfires, lockdowns, debates on mask wearing and now a volatile election. Who knows what the next few months will bring, but I see greatness ahead.

Many times, it takes much darkness to shine a light.  Through the darkness there is always a beacon of hope. Hope that tomorrow will be better than the previous days. This hope, this attainable hope, is ready and willing to create a lasting impact on our lives than it has ever done so before.

Today, even though times are hard, I write as a hopeful man. I write because I know the best times still lay before us. We must have our valleys to bring about a mountaintop experience. It will be a climb. We will have to dig in our footing, examine the path ahead, adjust our holds, dig in again and all the while, keeping our focus on the pinnacle.

It will be hard. It will be scary. It will be terrifying.

But you know what, we can do this.

The hardest times of our lives are not what we let others do to us, but what we allow to happen to us. It is time now that we pick ourselves up by the bootstraps, tighten our belts and prepare for the way ahead.

I am asking you today to take a step in the right direction.  

Let us be honest, the right direction will not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Later this year, I will unveil a plan for 2021 and beyond. Yes, beyond. As Buzz Lightyear would say, “to infinity and beyond.” We must be forward thinking, and we can take the steps now for a greater tomorrow.

I admit, I have felt 2020 like I was stepping barefoot on a Lego but is it time to move beyond the year and get to work.

I want to surround myself with those who are willing to move in the right direction. I do not want multitudes of people milling about, but people willing to grow.  

I want to surround myself with people willing to support each other based on a common bond of decency and respect.  Our support will take each other through the valleys and ascending to the mountaintops.

I want to surround myself with people willing to challenge each other, but not leave each other alone. Each challenge presented with me met with the support we all need.

I want to surround myself with people who want to get better. Moving in the right direction is good, but getting better is…. better. The actions of movement in the right direction will create better days today for a better life tomorrow.

I want to surround myself with people who want others to do well. We need to compliment three times more than we criticize. We need to encourage more that we see the negative.

I want to surround myself with people willing to make a sacrifice for the good. It might be a sacrifice of time, of finances, or of self. Our desire to improve each other must rise to the occasion.

I want to surround myself with people who want to bring their families into greater success… physically, mentally, and spiritually. Not parents teaching the same things, but teaching greater things.

I want to surround myself with people who want to learn from the mistakes and create successes despite the past. The past is behind us for a reason. It is time to step up and move forward.

I want to surround myself with excellent people.

So, where do we begin and what do we do? Honestly, where do we go?

First, we must look within ourselves and see if we are ready. Are you discouraged right now? Are you ready for a change? Are you ready to move forward despite the circumstances? If so, you might be ready.

Second, be ready to get your family ready. Remember, you are leaving legacy every day as they see you walk and talk. Be the shining light of hope they need to see. Let them see their future is bright. Let us be sure we are leaving them with opportunities, desire, and hope.

Third, we need to be ready to support each other.  We need to pray for each other.  We need to encourage each other when you find the opportunity. We need to support each other’s business if they have one. Support one another and build one another.

Fourth, get ready to work. Take, at a minimum, 30 minutes each day to work on principles to be better. Find your strengths and begin working within your strengths to create a better you.

Remember, the greatest times are ahead. We have a bright future and a powerful hope. Let us go get it.

So, what next?

Over the next two months, I plan to focus on a few areas that I know are needed among the people. This focus will be based on Four Pillars—God, Family, Work, and Service.

Each Pillar can stand on their own, but together, they add strength and stability. With all four together, there is an unstoppable path ahead. But first, we must look to each pillar to find its meaning.

I want to build off the four pillars each week and begin creating a community of people seeking the great and not the mediocre. This will be hard, but the hardest parts can reap the greatest benefits.

Together, with whoever wants to make the journey, we can do this. We will make it successful, fun, rewarding and a way to bless others in our lives.

I am ready.

Let me know if you want to get on the journey.

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

“You Can Do It” Video Class – Lesson #2

“You Can Do It” Video Class – Lesson #2

Read First - Have You Watched Lesson #1

Before you watch this class, be sure you have watched Lesson #1. You can watch Lesson #1 by clicking here.

What Will You Learn in This Book?

Remember, this video class was put together to assist you. You will be the one to put forth the effort to achieve your successes.

First, you will learn to figure out which goals to set. Believe it or not, the goals you select do have an impact on the success you achieve.

Many people fail to achieve the kind of results they’re looking for because they set their eyes and their minds on the wrong set of goals. Those goals may be perfect for other people, but it’s not right for them. Try as hard as they might, nothing seems to work. And it can be traced to the fact that they picked the wrong goals to set.

Second, you’re going to learn how to set more effective goals by incorporating discipline-building elements. Many people set goals that take all available willpower they may bring to the table. In other words, there’s no built-in incentive or self-sustaining system in the goals. The goals just take, take and take.

It doesn’t take a scientist to figure out that with energy-sucking goals, it’s too easy to hit a wall. It’s too easy to think you’re trying so hard and putting in so much time and effort and nothing seems to work. When you find yourself in that space, it’s not that difficult to start believing that you’re just not cut out for success. It’s very easy to get discouraged, and eventually, you give up.

As you probably already know, the only way to fail at anything in life is to quit. That’s precisely what you’re setting yourself up for if you don’t know how to set up goals to be self-sustaining. At the very least, they must be self-sustaining in terms of your discipline.

Third, you will learn how to use daily rituals to fine tune and achieve your goals. You must understand that people are what they consistently do. People can talk a good game, other people might have all sorts of mistaken notions about them, however, their real character boils down to what they consistently do. In other words, it’s all about their rituals.

Whether you realize it or not, you already have a set of rituals. You may not be aware of them, but they exist. What if I told you that you could be achieving more with your life if you only chose to be a little bit more conscious of the rituals you engage in? These rituals have a direct and immediate impact on your performance on many different levels. At the very least, they can help or slow down the achievement of your goals.

Another thing you will learn involves measuring success. Many people sabotage themselves because they choose to measure their success in the wrong way. It’s okay to measure your success in terms of ultimate measurements. For example, if you’re just starting a business, it’s okay to think from time to time about the millions of dollars you could be making. However, if you choose to only use ultimate measurements of success, you are just setting yourself up to lose your drive, motivation and passion in the here and now. Don’t be surprised if you get so discouraged and demotivated that you just give up. Sadly, people do this all the time.

Finally, you will learn about the signals you need to pay attention to that will clear you to scale up. Understand that if you want to achieve any kind of success, you cannot stay at the same level. You might be doing things really well at that level, people might talk highly of you, but if you stay at that level and you allow your comfort zone to define what is possible for you, you’re going to get stuck.

You might have started the process with all these hopes and dreams and grand visions, but let me tell you, they will remain stuck in your head. Your waking reality is not going to measure up because you refuse to scale up. In this short book, you will see this clearly. More precisely, you will learn detect the signals that would enable you to scale up.

Are you ready to begin?…

Let’s dive in!

I hope you enjoyed the second video lesson. Remember, you can go back and watch these lessons whenever you like.

I look forward to seeing your success.

Just some thoughts,

Signature File

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“You Can Do It” Video Class – Lesson #1

“You Can Do It” Video Class – Lesson #1

Welcome to our video class on “You Can Do It” – the art of mastering goals and establishing self-discipline.

2020 has definitely been a tough year for many. Your goals and plans might have been thrown out the window once the global Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic hit. Even though your plans might have changed, your desire to live better each day is still a possibility.

This class is designed to help you get back on track and achieve success by the end of 2020.

The classes are designe to be builld off one another. So stay tuned for more.

You may begin by watching the first class below.


Welcome to the guide on mastering the art of setting goals & establishing self-discipline. These two subjects are crucial to establishing a proper foundation to your success and achievement.

Regarding setting goals, Zig Ziglar is noted for saying, “When you set goals, something inside of you starts saying, “Let’s go, let’s go,” and ceilings start to move up.”

Setting goals begins the process of getting our minds to move forward. Whether your goal is a short-term goal or a long-term goal, your mind begins to focus on your future.

By the way, writing down your goals is a sure way to keep them fortified in your mind. Also, sharing your goals with close friends makes you accountable to reaching our goals. No one wants to fail on their goals is others know about them.

Along with goals, you will need discipline to move forward. Discipline is crucial for any success in life. Success, in whatever field or area of life, requires five things:

  1. You need to wait for it.
  2. You must persevere through the many different challenges and setbacks you are bound to encounter.
  3. You also must put in constant effort. Success usually doesn’t happen the first time you try.
  4. You will need to keep trying. In fact, in many situations, it requires several tries. You must constantly put in the effort even through speed bumps along the road.
  5. Finally, success requires putting up with adverse conditions. You must keep at it regardless of what you’re feeling, regardless of how many people discourage you, and regardless of whether you feel that it’s time or not. You must do it.

Success requires all of these and these all involve discipline. Jim Rohn is attributed to saying, “discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

So, what’s the problem? I’m sure it’s obvious, but let’s talk about it anyway.

Modern life and values aren’t exactly very friendly towards discipline. In fact, our modern world and the principles behind it seem to actively work against self-discipline. If not handled properly, this unfriendliness towards discipline will find its way into many different areas of your life.

There are many factors one may let into their life to allow discipline to take a back seat.  

First, we want everything to be quick and easy. I’m not just talking about products and services; I’m talking about relationships. I’m talking about education. It’s as if we’ve developed a sense of entitlement that life must be fair, quick and easy.

Many people look to achieve their goals without the constant effort needed. Many want a quick, easy success without taking the proper steps and putting in the hours of hard work.

Given this reality and these principles, it is no surprise our attention span, collectively as adults, has shrunk dramatically over the past few decades and it’s continuing to shrink. You only need to ask the nearest millennial to know what I’m talking about. (Personal Note: I am not disrespecting millennials, just making a general statement about the newest generation.)

People’s time horizon, as far as the “good things in life” are concerned, is very short. People don’t have the time nor the patience. They don’t have the discipline to wait around, deal with all sorts of adverse conditions, and put in constant work.  The lack of discipline is a quality need to push through the hard times and to keep moving.

They don’t have the patience to stick with trying situations until the thing that they’re working on pans out. The lack of patience one may have in dealing with difficult situations will cause people to give up and leave a project (or projects) unfinished.

If you want to achieve success, you need to set up proper goals and pursue those goals. You can hope and wish all you want, but big victories in your life are not going to materialize out of sheer luck. You must plan, and you must work your plan. In other words, you must set goals and implement them. Again, there goes that word: discipline is required.

Self-discipline is essential, but effective goal setting also requires clarity of purpose, proper structuring of your goals, and finally, proper measurement of your success. If you’re able to do all of these and you have the proper level of self-discipline, success becomes a habit.

Have you ever spent time with people who make a tremendous amount of money seemingly effortlessly?

Have you spent time with people who declare their big plans and the next time you check with them or check with people who know them, those plans worked out?

Well, those people are not magical. They are not some sort of mystical alien creature race. They simply picked up on the right habits. Simply, people who succeed easily just make it look easy.

Believe it or not, it took a lot of falls, stumbles, overcoming doubts, challenges as well as potential humiliation to get to where they are now. While the road make look easy, it was not smoothly paved.

If you were to sit and talk with them, you will hear the background work that no one sees. You would learn of the foundation that was laid to achieve their success. You would even learn of the failures along the way.

The good news? Success is a habit you can learn.

You might be thinking that successful people look, behave and sound so different from you. You might even be thinking that they are a completely different race of people. Well, don’t let appearances fool you. On the surface, it may seem like they’re completely different from you, but understand they’re just working out of certain habits. You don’t have to be born with those habits. You don’t have to be lucky. You just need to commit to learning it.

I hope you enjoyed our first video class. 

Stay tuned for more.

Just some thoughts, 

Signature File

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Why Stress Baptism?  (Part #1)

Why Stress Baptism? (Part #1)

For years, the churches of Christ have been known for emphasis on the topic of baptism. Baptism has been a constant discussion among theologicals for hundreds, it not a couple thousand years.

As various religious groups have found themselves divided over baptism, it is key to look at what the Bible says regarding baptism. One overlooked passage is Romans 6.1-14.  For instance, look at a few of the questions and let Romans 6 answer them:

Is baptism really important?

  • “Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?” (Romans 6.3)
  • When one is baptized they are baptized into Christ – that is really important.

What does baptism do?

  • “We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” (Romans 6.4)
  • Baptism connects one with the death of Jesus and the raising to walk in a new life – that is really important.

Is baptism necessary?

  • “For if we have been united with Him in a death like His, we shall certainly be united with Him in a resurrection like His. (Romans 6:5)
  • To be united with Christ, you must be baptized – that is really important.

Just some thoughts,

Signature File