Rethinking Sin – PowerPoint

Rethinking Sin – PowerPoint

Sin is vicious and it takes a toll on a person and the ramifications can be great. In this lesson, I borrowed a few points from John Maxwell’s book “The 21 Most Powerful Minutes in a Leader’s Day.” In this book, John Maxwell, makes the points...
July 19, 2020, Sunday Morning Powerpoint

July 19, 2020, Sunday Morning Powerpoint

If you have grown up in any religious group, you have heard about the Pharisees. In fact, I bet whenever you read the Bible and you see the word Pharisee you take a deep breathe. The Pharisees were a very strict group of law holders who followed Jesus to test, trap...
Where Have You Left Jesus – Sermon Powerpoint

Where Have You Left Jesus – Sermon Powerpoint

During the Christmas season, many people will leave Jesus at the manger. Where have you left Jesus? To view the PowerPoint of the lesson below, click the arrows and the bottom. Once you click the arrow, give it a moment to change the slide before clicking again....
An All Scripture Sermon

An All Scripture Sermon

The sermon below is an “All Scripture” Sermon I delivered today, October 6th, 2019. Each word below is part of the Holy Scriptures. I chose to use the English Standard Version as the translation. The text of the lesson is located below the downloadable...
“The Strength in Marriage” – Sermon Powerpoint

“The Strength in Marriage” – Sermon Powerpoint

The God ordained institution of marriage can best be understood in the relationship of Christ and the church. As the apostle Paul writes to the growing church in Ephesus, he show them that the marriage relationship in similar to the relationship of Christ and His...
Jonah: The Prophet of a Second Chance

Jonah: The Prophet of a Second Chance

From time to time, we might need a few study ideas to dig us deeper in the Word or maybe a minister needs an outline to begin their lesson for Sunday Morning. Today are a few starter outlines based on the book of Jonah. These are not complete outlines, but something...
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