The Resources below are to assist you in creating a better day today for a better life tomorrow.Below are some resources that can help you grow spiritually. They can help you improve your present and future by creating better days. Explore these resources by clicking on their icons, which will take you to their pages.
Newsletter List
Join our newsletter list and receive motivation, articles, and more in your inbox each week.
Sign-Up Today.
YouTube Bible Classes
Our YouTube Bible Classes take a chapter of the Bible each week. Each Bible class is available to watch and share on our YouTube Channel.
Each week we release a new podcast which you can find on your favorite podcast player. Find out more here.
WhiteBoard Bible Classes
The Whiteboard Bible Classes are available on the Preacher’s Pen YouTube channel. These Bible Classes are available to use in your personal study and your congregational studies.
Prayer Page
Do you have an issue that needs additional people praying for you? Our team will be glad to pray for you in your efforts to follow the Lord. Let us know how we can help.
Verse-a-Day Text Messages
Our Verse-a-Day text messags go out at 10am (CST) Monday throught Saturday to encourage you to stay faithful and motivated. These little reminders can add a spark to your day.
4031 Coaching
4031 Coaching is Life coaching designed around the four areas of life: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Each area is important to growth and it is our desire to assist individuals in growing in those areas.
Small Church Workshops
Small Churches are the heart and soul of communities. These small churches provide hope, joy, love, and truth to many. The average congregation is under 90 people.
Preaching Building Community
The Preacher Building Community is a private membership community for ministers in the churches of Christ to encourage one another to stay strong in the faith. Resources and other information is shared to assist others in ministry.
Free Ebooks
Our free ebooks and study guides are available for you to assit you in growing in your faith and knowledge of God’s word. These resources are available to you in PDF format. If you would like a copy in Microsoft Word to adjust to your classes or congregations, contact us.
98.7% Community
Coming Soon!
The 98.7% community is a community of believers inspiring one another to greater service and work in the kingdom of God. When this community is available, we will encourage each other daily.
Preaching Journal
Coming end of 2023!
The Preaching Journal is a quarterly online magazine dedicated to preaching and specifcally ministers in the churches of Christ. Each magazine will feature articles, outlines, and resources for ministers.